Previous work done in PARI.
February 17, 2017 at 9:26 pm,
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In PARI classes, it was done a first approach of the project. The work was done using C# language and a control board for two mirrors developed by a previous student, this control board simulates an galvanometer.An application was developed that captured the video from the integrated webcam from the computer and after some image treatment, a mesh was printed virtually on screen. This mesh would represent the mesh sent by the laser vibrometer. Because the information was captured in real time, the mirrors didn't had the capability to absorb the entire mesh so it was decided to just sent the centroid of the part to see both mirrors rotating according the centroid coordinates.
The image treatment was performed using OpenCv. First the colour red, blue or green was detected and the some erodes and dilates operations were done to remove the noise. Then, when only the intended surface was detected, the white points on the binary image (points that represent where the part was), were used to create the mesh. The space between two points on the mesh was regulated with a for cycle allowing density control on x and y axis.